Our day began eagerly, with a display of our unfinished 'WIP' of Hundertwasser
(work in progress). Here is Ruth's and Joy's work is below
This is Dinah's - can you spot the face? On the right is Elaine's work
Here is Lillian's felt work, which I am pretty sure is upside down - will be the right way up soon :)
This large lovely onion top is Pat's work
Jude's applique and hand embroidery
Now can you see the face?
Janet L has just started
Clare has painted her fabric in preparation for stitch
We then proceeded to distribute calico and tunic/dress patterns in readiness for our new project which 16 of us are going to participate in. The dresses will be complete garments or a front of a garment, hanging on coat-hangers. The dresses will be painted/printed/stitched/embellished in a totally individual way...when complete the dresses will be in our next exhibition. Exciting times ahead!
Di has knitted these square with her oddments of wool - all for charity. Each square is a different knitted pattern and is exquisite!
Ruth and Dina share an interest in wire - not just any old wire!
Joy continued to work on her Maryke book....1
Debbie worked on a hand embroidered cushion in lovely colourways
Lillian and Cheryl sharing ideas (I don't think it is anything to do with chocolate)
Everyone at work
A very industrious day today
Ice and her wonderful embroidered shields
Good to know we still have time to chat and laugh
Clare was working on her 'B for Barn' page of her Alphabet sketch book
Pat P on a children's quilted play mat. Well done Pat...plaster cast has not long been removed
Lorraine's wonderful sketch book pages for the Hundertwasser
Lorraine's intricate hand embroidery...1
Cheryl working with paper transparencies in her sketch book for the Hundertwasser project
Today we welcomed Roberta for the first time to CIT
Roberta is working on a triptych
Today has been a great day...thank you ladies